A couple of months
ago, I googled ‘unemployed and bored’
because my head was about to melt off from doing absolutely nothing at home. Subsequently, I found a couple of blogs so I thought I would do
something similar.
I was so depressed about being
unemployed and was ashamed of my circumstances even though I knew it was not my fault. Being out of work is something that everyone will have to face at some point during their life and there are ways to get through it. Believe me I have been there.

After graduating, about a third of my class emigrated overseas to look for work. This was not for me so I went back to college to study for a Masters.
After I graduated again, I was in and out of work like a yo-yo doing different internships and so on trying to gain experience.
I suffered a lot in the process but I learned a lot about myself during that time.
So, from my experiences, I thought I would share some of my tips for being unemployed that may be helpful to you.
Bad unemployment habits
- Getting out of bed late at around
2pm. This can turn into such a bad habit. It ruined my body clock. I didn’t
know what was happening in the world, which is not good. It also gave me really
bad headaches after a while. I gained weight too and missed all the decent rays
of sunlight that the day offers. I also developed the worst eating schedule and
got nothing done which made it difficult to sleep the next night.
- As a result of the previous bad
habit I never got the chance to leave the house much. This is not good as we
need fresh air to clear the head and some sort of vitamin D from the sun to
keep us going.
- As a result of habit one and two,
can you see a pattern here? Well, I became flustered and unorganised and
started getting take away food for convenience. Easy eating but not good for your health or body.
- Spending too much time on the
Internet looking up crap such as celebrity obsessed websites only makes you
feel insecure and turns your head into mush.
- Taking too much time searching for
jobs can also leave you feeling unwell especially when you are not in the right mind
set for it.
- Another bad habit I got into was
texting my friends when they are in work. Try really hard not to do this. Put
yourself in the reverse position. They are working so leave them at it.
- It's not good to begrudge people who
have a job. I got jealous of my friends when they got great jobs. You won't be
unemployed forever so be happy for others who get a job because you will be
there one day.
- Feeling sorry for yourself too often.
This is a habit that gets you nowhere.
- Watching news where
it is all doom and gloom. Take a break from the
economic news hysteria until you get sorted. You really won't be missing much at all.
Good habits for being unemployed
- Because I was sick of getting up late, I trained myself to get out of
bed early in the mornings.
- It is hard to get up out of bed with no plan though. If I do not have some sort of a schedule for the day I will get stressed out thinking about what it is I should be doing, so, always prepare for the day ahead.
Remember to include times for
Searching for jobs
CV update
Reading books
Meeting Friends
Cleaning up
Going to the shops
Writing in journal
Planning the next day
When you include some of the above in a schedule, next thing you know, you have filled up your entire day and you didn’t get flustered once thinking about it.
Remember to include times for
Searching for jobs
CV update
Reading books
Meeting Friends
Cleaning up
Going to the shops
Writing in journal
Planning the next day
When you include some of the above in a schedule, next thing you know, you have filled up your entire day and you didn’t get flustered once thinking about it.
- Get into the great habit of going
for a run/walk in the morning. Make sure to include it in your schedule as exercise totally burns up a lot of frustration.
- Start thinking about other goals such as
aiming to run a half marathon, learning a language on an app, painting, sorting
out the garden or whatever. It gets the mind a bit more focused on the other great things you can do with your life.
- If your room or house is a mess - clean
it. A messy room can cause a messy head. Clearing out junk is like lifting a
weight off your shoulders and it feels great after.
- Just because you are not working
doesn’t mean you have to look like a bum. Getting up and getting ready makes
you feel like you are more in control. Absolutely no excuses for not shaving, brushing
your hair/teeth or staying in your PJs all day.
- Volunteering for an hour or two a week can be a great way to meet new down to earth people and can change your perspective on life.
- Accepting your
situation helps a lot too. When you accept you are depressed, unhappy and
everything else, it is only then when you can make a plan to change things for
the better.
- Treat yourself – Just because you
have no job or money doesn’t mean you can’t spoil yourself. When I say spoil
yourself I don’t mean buy a Ferrari. Little treats
such as going down to a café and getting yourself a nice cup of coffee or tea. There is nothing like it, especially if you bring a book.
- Then in the evening take 5 minutes to write down 3 positives from the day. It helps train the mind to stay positive despite difficult times.
>>UPDATE 2018
This blog was written in 2013 when I was 26. I am now 31 years old and have been mostly employed since.
The messages I have received over the years have being mainly positive and I am glad I was able to help people even if only a little.
When I published this blog, I really didn't think anyone would read it. However, I know now from my stats that thousands of people from all over the world have read this article meaning that there are many people out there who are feeling bored, unemployed and depressed. You are not alone.
I work in media which is mostly freelance so there are times in the year when I have no work. To this day, I will always make a daily schedule when I have no work on. It really does help settle the mind.
However, it should be noted that I am not a mental health expert. If you are feeling vulnerable make sure to reach out to a professional.
Take care everyone and best of luck on your journey. This time of your life will make you very resilient and ultimately a stronger person.
- Then in the evening take 5 minutes to write down 3 positives from the day. It helps train the mind to stay positive despite difficult times.
>>UPDATE 2018
This blog was written in 2013 when I was 26. I am now 31 years old and have been mostly employed since.
The messages I have received over the years have being mainly positive and I am glad I was able to help people even if only a little.
When I published this blog, I really didn't think anyone would read it. However, I know now from my stats that thousands of people from all over the world have read this article meaning that there are many people out there who are feeling bored, unemployed and depressed. You are not alone.
I work in media which is mostly freelance so there are times in the year when I have no work. To this day, I will always make a daily schedule when I have no work on. It really does help settle the mind.
However, it should be noted that I am not a mental health expert. If you are feeling vulnerable make sure to reach out to a professional.
Take care everyone and best of luck on your journey. This time of your life will make you very resilient and ultimately a stronger person.
This helps a lot, you have convinced me to change my situation. Thank you so much!
ReplyDeleteGood to hear... :)
ReplyDeleteThis is really going to help. I've saved this article into a word document as a daily reminder, and I've already composed a list of things I will start doing from this moment out.. as a 23 year old living at home with the parents, I will consider this a way to start preparing myself for the real world. A lot of these things, I've started in the past, but for whatever reason, just fall back into the lazy habit of just lurking the internet all day (even to the point where I don't apply for jobs 3, 4, 5 days at a time because I'm so burned out from constant rejection).
ReplyDeleteSimple things... showering, eating slowly, no longer watching CNN/Bloomberg all day, doing chores, reading news on iPad at designated times... shopping (even if only window shopping), etc. are things I will start doing again.. and make sure to keep a habit of doing so...
I will also start to walk my dog every morning before breakfast... it's good for him, because honestly, he's just as, if not more bored than I am... and I feel terrible about it... I've lost contact with a lot of friends, but used to go to the gym with a good friend a couple of months ago... the snowy, cold weather has caused me to procrastinate from doing a lot of things... I'll start excercising every day again... lifting, running.. stretching. I'm also going to start treating applying for jobs as "my job while not having a job". I'm going to be focused while doing it, instead of trying to rush through it and get it done, so I can not think about it...
I'm also going to devote a portion of the day to "skills development" - this will include learning things in Excel spreadsheets that pertain to the types of jobs I'm trying to get and the field I studied in school... I'll study notes in school because I haven't in almost 3 months.. and I wouldn't be surprised if I forgot a good 50% of things I paid so much money to study in school... Some days I get dressed, others, I don't. I don't even brush or shower some days.. this will all change, too.
The only thing I haven't tried yet that I will give serious thought to is volunteering.
Thanks for the post.
That's great to hear!!! Love the part about your lil dog... They make great friends and are good listeners too. Everything will all fall into place eventually no doubt - you are just on the road from A to B which can be a challenge but you also learn a great deal about yourself and your strength of character :)
DeleteI wanted to overdose last night on sedatives, so powerful has been the crippling depression of being unemployed, plus house sitting to save money, all alone here in Rotorua, NZ. There is nobody here and the atmosphere reeks of hydrogen sulfide from all the geothermal activity.The air burns the windpipe and in short hell is a good name for this place,especially because I'm unemployed. Depression and loneliness are what hell is made of. Your blog was God in the midst of this hell hole. It was a relief to read.
DeleteDANGER is coming our way if we dont take action. We are declining as a people! Money doesn't make you happy but it gives you some power and security. I am helping thousands of people come out of there financial cave. Help me help them to become stress free. Take action! I promise you I just need people to wake up. Trust Me!
What to do when you have worked on Wall Street for the past 25 years and get downsized. Age and salary discrimination become a real problem and there appears to be no way around it. Taking a salary cut is out of the question because I have bills to pay and 2 children in college. I have reduced my lifestyle as much as possible (not that there was much to reduce) and am collecting unemployment which is very small compared to my weekly paycheck. Depression becomes very real so does isolation. Feeling ashamed, embarrassed, angry and sad compound the problem. I go to the gym 5-6 days a week and search for jobs everyday but am slowly losing faith that I will ever work again in my field. WHAT NEXT :(
ReplyDeleteI can't tell you what to do but I could give you a suggestion...
DeleteOne thing I would ask you, do you want to work another 25 years on Wall Street? Maybe this is the time to come up with totally new ideas about what you could do with your life. The wilder the idea the better, open your mind to new possibilities and try not to get bogged down in what society expects of you because that my friend is depressing...
Hi there CC Morrissey,
ReplyDeleteIt's 2015 so I'm not sure if you're still checking this account. I wanted to say a big thank you for this blog, and this post in particular. You are the first hit that came up when I searched for 'unemployed and bored'. Your post is incredibly insightful and relevant.
I'm currently in between jobs, and after a short holiday and some interviews, in the last month I have done all of the bad umemployment habits you wrote about. Especially sleeping late and ruining one's body clock, surfing the internet too much and not leaving the house. Not having a role or purpose does not bring out the best in a person, that's for sure.
And actually I'm in an incredibly fortunate situation where I have another job lined up to start in a few weeks! I'm really looking forward to it, so that I can do something useful again.
I totally understand the good habits you list, and have mostly maintained a good diet, if at odd times. Exercise is critically important to burn off excess energy. As my time off / funemployment comes to an end, I'm making the most of it by taking classes and looking for volunteer work.
Thank you very much again for writing this blog. I really hope that your life in 2015 and onwards is great, and that you are achieving your personal and professional goals. You write like this, you definitely have the intelligence and skills to succeed. Good luck!
Thank you for your comment. I wish you all the best in your future endeavours :)
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteWe can take some things more literally than others.
ReplyDeleteGoods words, thanks, I feel better already
ReplyDeleteSame here. Super helpful!! I feel a bit out of the funk.
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear :)
DeleteThank you for this Awesome post! I really needed this & it has opened up a new thought process for me, to look at the brighter side of things. It definitely woke me up and built more confidence in me, letting me know that everything will be okay soon. I just have to reorganize myself, my day and work hard in bettering my situation. Stay motivated and focused, determined to succeed. Thank you! I really needed this, Thank you!
ReplyDeleteWow Corey... some inspirational words there for people to feel positive about
DeleteAll thanks to you and this Amazing blog post!. It has really changed me to be honest. Again, thank you so much!!!
DeleteI am happy to complement what great inspiration you have already started here.
I can say that I have a full time job now which helps me to support myself and my family and there is not a day that goes by where I don't appreciate the smaller things in life anymore. I have grown to accept the good, the bad and the ugly. I have adapted to thinking more positive about things & I hold on to hope, I have faith. I am at a much better place in my life right now. Physically, mentally and emotionally.
This post had a lot to do with that, I made no more excuses and I am more open minded!
I hope that anyone reading this, understands the message behind both my reply and this blog post. It's amazing as to what you can read, listen to or see can change you in a positive way, beyond your imagination. And how much you realize there is to life for you to appreciate.
I hope that whoever is reading this, all things in your life right is going well for you & it continues to and if not ,that it does in fact get better soon. Have faith that it will get better & that you are strong and courageous and you can overcome anything! Keep your head up and Remember that people care, may not be all but I do, make that enough!
I’m currently having bad habits of getting out of bed late and staying indoors all day.......sometimes I don’t even have anyone to talk with
ReplyDeleteGoing to same situation from 6 month, cant motivate myself now
ReplyDeleteAll good and said, but what shops did you go to? All the ones I know are not free and watching people spend money you haven't got hardly inspires.